봉원동수학# 일대일과외로 교과관리 참고서 활용 제2원칙 제2원칙은 참고서의 목차를 봉원동수학과외학습계획표로 삼아 3번 이상 반복해서 문제풀이를 하는 것입니다. 학교시간표에 맞춰서 참고서 목차의 봉원동수학과외소제목마다 공부할 날짜를 써놓는 것도 좋습니다. had collapsed, and African Americans #voted in record numbers in elections in the South.[324][v] Attorney General George H. Williams, Akerman's replacement, in the Spring of 1873, suspended prosecutions of the Klan in North Carolina and South Carolina, but prior to the election of 1874, he changed course and prosecuted the Klan.[326][w][x] Image of mobs rioting entitled "The Louisiana Outrage". White Leaguers at Liberty Place attacked the integrated police force and state #militia, New Orleans, September 1874. Published October 1874 During Grant's second term, the North retreated from Reconstruction, while southern conservative whites called "Redeemers" formed armed groups, the Red Shirts and the White League, who openly used violence, intimidation, voter fraud, and racist appeals to overturn Republican rule.[330] Northern apathy toward blacks, the depressed economy and Grant's scandals made it politically difficult for #the Grant administration to maintain support for Reconstruction. Power shifted when the House was taken over by the Democrats in #the election of 1874.[331][y] Grant ended the Brooks–Baxter War, bringing Reconstruction in Arkansas to a peaceful conclusion. He sent troops to New Orleans in the wake of the Colfax massacre and disputes over the election of Governor William Pitt Kellogg.[333] Grant recalled Sheridan and most of the federal troops from Louisiana.[334] By 1875, Redeemer Democrats had taken control of all but three Southern states. As violence #against black Southerners escalated once more, Grant's Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont told Republican Governor Adelbert Ames of Mississippi that the people were "tired of the autumnal outbreaks in the South", and declined to intervene directly, instead sending an emissary to negotiate a peaceful election.[335] Grant later regretted not issuing a proclamation to help Ames, having been told Republicans in Ohio would bolt the party if Grant intervened #in Mississippi.[336] Grant told Congress in January 1875 he could not "see with indifference Union men or Republicans ostracized, #persecuted, and murdered."[337] Congress refused to strengthen the laws against violence, but instead passed a sweeping law to guarantee blacks access to public facilities.[338] Grant signed it as the Civil Rights Act of 1875, but there was litte enforcement and the Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional in 1883.[339] In October 1876, Grant dispatched troops to South Carolina to keep Republican Governor Daniel Henry Chamberlain #in office.[340] Grant's Republican successor, President Rutherford B. Hayes, was conciliatory toward the South, and favored "local control" of civil rights on the condition that Democrats make an honorary pledge to confirm the constitutional amendments that protected blacks.[341] During Republican negotiations with Democrats, that Grant took no direct part in, the Republicans received the White House for Hayes in return for ending enforcement of racial #equality for blacks and removing federal troops from the last three states.[342] As promised, Hayes