관악구영어■ 일대일과외로 unconditional 그리고 독해 지문의 모든 관악구영어과외단어를 외울 필요 없구요, 중요하다고 생각되는 몇 단어를 찝어서 외워줍니다. 단어를 외우는 방식은 단어 하나만 외우는 게 아니라 그 구절을 외워줍니다. absorb를 외운다면, Im absorbed in my work. 이런 식의 짧은 문장, 아니면 구절로요. 너무 긴 문장은 힘드니까요. 관악구영어과외 African-American suffrage proposals ■by large margins. unconditional Northern public opinion tolerated Johnson's inaction on black suffrage as an experiment, to be allowed if it quickened Southern acceptance of defeat. Instead, white Southerners felt emboldened. A number of Southern states passed Black Codes, binding African-American laborers to farms on annual contracts they could not quit, and allowing law enforcement at whim to arrest them for vagrancy and rent out their labor. Most Southerners elected to Congress were former Confederates, with the unconditional most prominent being Georgia Senator-designate and former Confederate vice president Alexander Stephens. Congress assembled in early December 1865; Johnson's conciliatory annual message to them was well received. Nevertheless, Congress refused to seat unconditionalthe Southern legislators and established a committee to recommend appropriate Reconstruction legislation.[130] Northerners were outraged at the idea of unrepentant Confederate leaders, such as Stephens, rejoining the federal government at a time when emotional ■wounds unconditionalfrom the war remained raw. They saw the Black Codes placing African Americans in a position barely above slavery. Republicans also feared that restoration of the Southern states would return the Democrats to power.[131][132] In addition, according to David O. Stewart in his book on Johnson's impeachment, "the violence and poverty that oppressed the South would galvanize the opposition to Johnson".[133] Break with the Republicans: 1866 Congress was reluctant to confront unconditionalthe President, and initially only sought to fine-tune Johnson's policies towards the South.[134] According to Trefousse, "If there was a time when Johnson could have come to an agreement with the moderates of the Republican Party, it was unconditional the period following the return of Congress".[135] The President was unhappy about the provocative actions of the Southern states, and about the continued control by the antebellum elite there, but made no statement publicly, believing that Southerners had a right to act as they did, even if it was unwise unconditional to do so. By late January 1866, he was convinced that winning a showdown with the Radical Republicans was necessary to his political plans – both for the success of Reconstruction and for reelection in 1868. He would have preferred that the conflict arise over the legislative efforts to enfranchise African Americans in the District of Columbia, a proposal that had been defeated overwhelmingly in an all-white referendum. A bill to accomplish this passed the unconditional House of Representatives, but to Johnson's disappointment, stalled in the Senate before he could veto it.[136] Thomas Nast cartoon of Johnson disposing of the Freedmen's Bureau as African Americans go flying Illinois Senator Lyman unconditional Trumbull, leader of the Moderate Republicans and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, was anxious to reach an understanding with the President. He ushered through Congress a bill extending the Freedmen's Bureau beyond its scheduled abolition in 1867, and the first Civil Rights Bill, to grant citizenship to the freedmen.