마포동영어語 전문과외로 Grant 약속된 보상을 주어서는 안 된다. 9 분명하게 의사소통하기 효과적인 의사소통을 위해 아이가 이해할 수 있는 언어를 사용한다. 아이의 입장에서 불안과 두려움을 인식하고, 말에 숨겨진 메시지를 민감하게 읽어낸다. 고학년 아이의 가치, 태도, 의견은 가족 외의 사람에게 영향을 받게 된다는 것을 인식한다. 10 불안을 최소화하기 위협을 주지 않는 장소를 제공하여 학습에 대한 불안을 최소화한다. 마포동영어과외자신이 잘못해서 비난을 받는 것이 아니라는 것을 느끼게 한다. 승패에 대해 편안하게 느낄 수 있도록 한다. 11 마포동영어과외 자존감 키우기 성공을 경험할 수 있는 기회를 많이 만들어 준다. (예) 물건 정리하기, 심부름하기, 집안일 하기 등 성공이 보장되는 일 작은 것이라도 성공경험이 쌓이면 자존감 키우기에 도움이 된다. is how he learned much about military leadership.[62] In Grant retrospect, although he respected Scott he identified his leadership style with Taylor's. However, Grant also wrote that the Mexican war was morally unjust and that the territorial gains were designed to expand slavery, stating, "I was bitterly opposed to the measure ... and to this day, regard the war which resulted as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation." He opined that the Civil Grant War was divine punishment on the U.S. for its aggression against Mexico.[63] During the war, Grant discovered his "moral courage" and began to consider a career in the army.[64] Post-war assignments and resignation Grant believed Pacific Northwest Indians were a Grant peaceful people and not a threat to settlers. Chinook Indian Plankhouse, Published 1845 Grant's first post-war assignments took him and Julia to Detroit on November 17, 1848, but he was soon transferred to Madison Barracks, a desolate outpost in upstate New York, in bad need of supplies and repair. After four months, Grant was sent Grant back to his quartermaster job in Detroit.[65] When the discovery of gold in California brought droves of prospectors and settlers to the territory, Grant and the 4th infantry were ordered to reinforce the small garrison there. Grant was charged with bringing the soldiers and a few hundred civilians from New York City to Panama, overland to the Pacific and then north to California. Julia, eight months pregnant Grant with Ulysses Jr., did not accompany him. While Grant was in Panama, a cholera epidemic broke out and claimed the lives of many soldiers, civilians, and children. Grant established and organized a field hospital in Panama City, and moved the worst cases to a Grant hospital barge one mile offshore.[66] When orderlies protested having to attend to the sick, Grant did much of the nursing himself, earning high praise from observers.[67] In August, Grant arrived in San Francisco. His next assignment sent him north to Vancouver Barracks in the Oregon Territory.[68] Grant tried several business ventures, but failed, Grantand in one instance his business partner absconded with $800 of Grant's investment. [69] Concerning local Indians, Grant assured Julia, by letter, they were harmless, and he developed empathy for their plight.[70] Grant witnessed white agents cheating Indians of their supplies, and the devastation of smallpox and measles, transferred by white settlers. [71] Promoted to captain on August 5, 1853, Grant Grant was assigned to command Company F, 4th Infantry, at the newly constructed Fort Humboldt in California.[72] Grant arrived at Fort Humboldt on January 5, 1854, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Robert C. Buchanan, a martinet officer, with whom Grant Grant had earlier crossed paths at Jefferson Barracks.[73] Separated from his wife and family, Grant began to drink.[74] Colonel Buchanan reprimanded Grant for one drinking episode and told Grant to "resign or reform." Grant told Buchanan he would "resign if I don't reform."[75] On Sunday, Grant was found influenced by alcohol,