당인동수학◇ 일대일과외로 기초심화 선택하여 정답지에 배열한다는 사실을 명심해야 한다. 당인동수학과외공부할때는 받아쓰는 것이 최고다? 기계적으로 받아적는 것은 무의미 하며 정확한 발음, 당인동수학과외기본적 표현을 같이 익혀야한다. 어휘를 암기할때는 자동사와 타동사를 구분할 필요가 없다? 수동태 관계사 동사 특직을 가려내는 문제에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 반드시 구분하여 의미를 파악해야 한다. 문제를 풀때 기초심화 순서대로 푼다? 취약유형이나 배점을 보면서 효율적으로 분배하여 풀 수 있다. 많은 문제를 풀어야 한다? 수능 현장에서 어떤 문제를 접하든 겁 없이 해석하기 위해서는 내공을 키워야 한다. 고3 6월까진는 문제풀이에 집중하기 보다는 자신만의 기반을 최대한 쌓아두어야 한다. program was successful.[173] ◇Grant also worked freed black labor on the bypass canal and other points on the river, incorporating them into the Union Army and Navy.[174] Grant's war responsibilities included combating an illegal Northern cotton trade and civilian obstruction.[175][176] Smuggling of cotton was rampant, while the price of cotton skyrocketed.[177] Grant believed the smuggling funded the Confederacy and provided them with military intelligence, while Union ◇soldiers were dying in the fields.[178] He had received numerous dispatches with complaints about Jewish speculators in his district.[179] He also feared the trading corrupted many of his officers who were also eager to make a profit on a bale of cotton, while the majority of those involved in illegal trading were not Jewish.[180] After learning that gold was being used to pay for southern cotton Grant was outraged, and required two permits to purchase cotton; one from the Treasury Department and one from the Union ◇army, but Washington overruled it.[177] Grant's father, and his ◇Jewish partners, the Mack Brothers, visited Grant's camp to get a legal cotton trade permit, which further infuriated Grant, who ordered them to leave the district on the next train.[181][176] On December 17, 1862, Grant issued a controversial General Order No. 11, expelling "Jews, as a class", from his Union Army military district.[181][176] Grant rescinded the order within three weeks after Lincoln revoked the order.[182][n] Lines of soldiers fire at ◇each other, with houses in the background The Battle of Jackson, fought on May 14, 1863, was part of the Vicksburg Campaign. Published 1863 On January 29, 1863, Grant assumed overall command. Eventually, he attempted to advance his army through water-logged terrain to bypass Vicksburg's guns.[188] The plan of attacking Vicksburg from downriver carried great risk, because upon crossing the Mississippi river, his army would be beyond reach of most of its supply lines.[189] On April 16, Grant ordered Admiral ◇David Dixon Porter's gunboats south under fire from ◇the Vicksburg batteries to meet up with troops who had marched south down the west side of the river.[190] Grant ordered diversionary battles, confusing Pemberton and allowing Grant's army to move east across the Mississippi, landing troops at Bruinsburg.[191] Grant's army captured Jackson, the state capital. Advancing west, Grant defeated Pemberton's army at the Battle of Champion Hill on May 16, forcing their retreat into Vicksburg.[192] ◇After Grant's men assaulted the entrenchments twice, suffering severe losses, they settled in for a siege lasting seven weeks. During quiet periods of the campaign Grant would take to drinking on occasion.[193] The personal rivalry between McClernand and Grant continued until Grant removed him from command when he contravened Grant by publishing an order without permission.[194] Pemberton surrendered Vicksburg to Grant on July 4, 1863.[195] Vicksburg's fall gave Union forces control of the Mississippi ◇River and split the Confederacy. By that time,